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CRC Exam Passers

Pam H.

Active Member
For anyone who has passed your CRC exam, if you don't mind sharing, I have some questions regarding your approach to this particular exam:

-- Did you find this exam easier or harder than other AAPC exams you may have taken? How was it alike or different? Did you get through it faster or slower?

-- Since only 60 questions pertain to ICD-10 coding, how did you handle/approach the rest of the questions that are outside of this? Did you refer to copious handwritten notes, memory, else?

I take my CRC exam on 11/12/16 (after having passed the CPC and COC exams this year) and am looking for any tips/hints for prepping for the CRC exam that may different than other AAPC exams, if anything.

Thank you very kindly for sharing.....Pam